Join our Incubator Programme

AccessEd's incubator programme equips entrepreneurs or organisations to develop and scale high-impact university access programmes in their own country.

We are creating the 1st self-sustaining, global network of entrepreneurs, universities, PhDs and schools  - equipped and motivated to co-design, launch and scale university access programmes in their own country.

Why the ‘Incubator’ model?

We acknowledge that university access solutions must be locally driven, by those who know and understand the education system based on policy, geography, culture and social demographic. Co-designed initiatives have the best chance of long-term, sustainable impact.

How does it work?

The incubator programme is a 2-year programme. In year 1, we support partners to design and deliver a pilot programme and demonstrate initial impact. In year 2, we work to build the capacity of partner ventures to deliver impact at scale, including demonstrating readiness for significant external investment.

What do we offer?

AccessEd discussing financing options with the prospective partner during the application stages.

2-year partnership (Yr 1 – programme design and launch; Yr 2 – programme expansion)
Proven, replicable programme blueprint
Existing toolkit of all programme resources and impact evaluation model
Intellectual property licences
Programme design support
Networking events
Extensive training
Staff capacity and operational support
Regular support meetings and milestone check-ins
Funding advice and business development support

Information for prospective incubator applicants

As an international education NGO and training body we are able to flexibly support your institution and students in obtaining the necessary skills, knowledge and attributes needed to complete their degree, and excel in their long-term career or research ambitions.

We invite entrepreneurs to join our incubator programme through a four-step application process:

Expression of Interest Form
Written Application Proposal
In-Person/ Online Final Assessment
Final Decision

Although AccessEd has two formal application cycles in January and July each year, we remain open to exploring opportunities for future collaboration outside of these cycles. Just get in touch!

For more information about our incubator programme, contact us at

Am I eligible?

As an international education NGO and training body we are able to flexibly support your institution and students in obtaining the necessary skills, knowledge and attributes needed to complete their degree, and excel in their long-term career or research ambitions.

We’re looking for individuals or social organisations who:

Are passionate about our vision, mission and values
Have time to invest in a new venture
Are an entrepreneur (working individually or as part of a group), a school teacher, a researcher, an existing non-profit organisation or working at a school or university
Have experience in public engagement & project management
Have the legal right to live and work in the country where they want to run a university access programme
Are 21 years and older